

Now that stop and frisk is unconstitutional in New York, will we start seeing whites profiled for a change?

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Press Release  

More human trafficking lawsuits filed against Signal International

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Vietnamese group defends decision to take legal route in New Orleans schools

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Rush Limbaugh and the acceptance of low-level racism against Asian Americans

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Groups criticize public schools for inadequate translation services

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New Orleans public schools inadequate for non-English speakers, critics say

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Press Release  

Groups to File DOJ Complaint on Failing Language Services in New Orleans Schools

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Race conversation? After Asiana gaffe, new Asian American slur at CNBC–a CHITA problem

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Press Release  

President Obama Meets with Civil Rights Leaders on the Voting Rights Act

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Press Release  

AALDEF Joins Brief Urging Supreme Court to Uphold Campaign Contribution Limits

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KTVU’s Asiana Airlines Debacle: They fired some people, but you can’t fire racism

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Press Release  

Shelby Decision Hurts Asian American Voters, Groups Tell Senate Committee

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One Asian American perspective on Zimmerman, Trayvon

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Press Release  

Asian American Group Joins Brief in Support of Marriage Equality

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Racism: Milena Clarke’s old-fashioned experience vs. the new kind after the Asiana crash

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Press Release  

Civil Rights Group Files Racial Harassment Complaint on behalf of Asian Middle School Basketball Player

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Press Release  

South Asian Voters Sue NYC Board of Elections for Violations of the Voting Rights Act

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What equality looks like: scenes from some historic Asian American weddings during San Francisco Pride

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Court victories bring out massive crowd of Asian Americans at San Francisco Pride

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Press Release  

Asian American Groups Dismayed by Supreme Court Decision to Gut the Voting Rights Act

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