Press Release

GO FOIL YOURSELF! Join Countless Others in AALDEF’s Campaign to Help You Find out What’s in Your NYPD File

Are you being watched? From the recent AP reports, it’s clear that the NYPD kept hundreds of individual names and businesses on file without any suspicion of wrongdoing. Undercover informants recorded how many times Muslim students prayed, tracked which businesses Muslim immigrants frequented, and mapped the locations of mosques and community centers — and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In response, last month the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) launched a mass Freedom of Information Law campaign — GO FOIL YOURSELF — that is helping community leaders, organizations, business owners, students, activists, and individuals find out if they have their own NYPD file – and what it contains.

“Individuals across the Northeast have contacted us about finding out whether the NYPD is spying on them,” said Nermeen Arastu, staff attorney at AALDEF. “The reports about widespread secret surveillance have left many Muslims and non-Muslims wondering what they can do to create change and advocate for their rights. With GO FOIL YOURSELF, there can now be strength in numbers. If the NYPD is secretly collecting information on you, you have the right to request that information. The more requests that are filed, the stronger the message sent to the NYPD.”

Are you ready to GO FOIL YOURSELF? Visit the GFY webpage for FAQs on how to file a FOIL and download blank FOIL templates to get started.

AALDEF would like to know about the results of your FOIL request:

Collecting the information from your FOIL will allow us to document the scope of the NYPD’s secret snooping into the lives and lawful activities of the Muslim community. Our reports will only use summary data and anonymous anecdotal information and will not use your name or personal information without prior permission.

Go to the GFY webpage >

For further information, contact:

Nermeen Arastu
212.966.5932 ext. 207

Ujala Sehgal
212.966.5932 ext. 217