Press Release

Delivery workers sue Manhattan sushi restaurant for back wages, overtime pay

AALDEF has filed a new wage and hour case in Manhattan federal court on behalf of two Chinese American delivery workers who were employed by Hamachi Sushi restaurant in Lower Manhattan. The workers combined were employed for five years at the restaurant, where they were grossly underpaid and subject to poor treatment. Both were on duty for 65 to 75 hours per week, with no sick days or option to take time off, yet were paid only $1,000 per month–well under half of what they were owed under New York and federal minimum wage and overtime laws. The workers were required to purchase and maintain their own delivery bikes and were often dealt arbitrary “punishments” by their supervisors. For example, one of the plaintiffs was forced to pay $230 for an order that he was unable to deliver after being trapped in an elevator.

The lawsuit alleges that the restaurant owners violated both federal and state minimum wage and overtime laws. The delivery workers are represented by AALDEF legal director Kenneth Kimerling.

You can read the complaint here.

For more information, contact:
Ken Kimerling, Legal Director
212.966.5932 x203