Press Release

AALDEF Sues NY Home Care Agency for Chinese Worker’s Unpaid Wages

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) has filed a lawsuit in Manhattan federal court against Gold & Silver Aging Home Care Inc., which failed to pay nine weeks of wages to a Chinese worker and no overtime pay at all. The lawsuit seeks to obtain the back wages owed to the plaintiff, Ms. Chen, plus 100% additional liquidated damages.

Ms. Chen has worked as a home care attendant for Gold & Silver since April 2011. Some of her paychecks bounced, and other checks for her work since the middle of May 2011 have not been given to her. The President of Gold & Silver, Leonora Hector, was sued individually in addition to the home care agency. AALDEF has been informed that other workers at this agency have also not been paid for several months. These other unpaid workers are urged to contact AALDEF at 212.966.5932.

AALDEF Legal Director Ken Kimerling said: “This is an intolerable situation. Ms. Chen has been working for over two months without being paid. How does Gold & Silver Aging Home Care expect her and the other unpaid workers to pay their rent and feed themselves and their families?”