Press Release

AALDEF Seeks Comments from Asian American Community on College Diversity Considerations

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is releasing an initial set of Frequently Asked Questions on the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case on race-conscious college admissions, Fisher v. Texas. These questions are based on common questions and misconceptions regarding how diversity considerations affect the Asian American community that AALDEF has encountered since announcing its amicus brief in support of race-conscious admissions.

AALDEF is releasing this initial set with an invitation for public comments and suggestions for additional FAQ responses, with the intention of using these responses to further develop the FAQs as a definitive and accessible resource for the Asian American community on college diversity.

“The majority of Asian Americans support diversity considerations in public decision-making,” said Khin Mai Aung, Director of the Educational Equity Program at AALDEF. “With so much at stake in Fisher v. Texas, we want to ensure that we have an ongoing and open dialogue with the Asian American community about how diversity in college impacts them.”

The current FAQs include:

  • The current law on considering race in college admissions
  • Myths about SAT gaps between Asian Americans and other races
  • A discussion of race factors versus class factors
  • The effects of banning the use of diversity considerations
  • And more

“Speaking directly to our community and clarifying any existing misconceptions about race-conscious admissions will encourage even more Asian Americans to unite in favor of diversity,” said Aung.

Read the FAQs online or download the pdf.

Submit comments:

To submit comments and additional questions, please email with the subject heading “Diversity FAQs.”

You may also send paper comments to: Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, 99 Hudson St., 12th Fl, New York NY 10013.

Press inquiries:

Ujala Sehgal

212.966.5932 ex.217