Press Release

AALDEF files amicus brief in Chinese American scientist’s case against FBI over information leaked to media

Image for AALDEF files amicus brief in Chinese American scientist’s case against FBI over information leaked to media

Eleven organizations sign onto the brief in support of Dr. Yanping Chen, highlighting the racial profiling and targeting of Asian Americans.

NEW YORK, NY — Yesterday, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) filed an amicus brief in the D.C. Circuit in Chen v. FBI in support of Chinese American scientist Dr. Yanping Chen, whose information was leaked to a Fox News reporter after an FBI investigation into her connection with China was dropped. The brief, cosigned by 11 Asian American advocacy organizations, outlines the history of discrimination, law enforcement abuse and overreach, and media stereotyping against marginalized communities, including Asian Americans and specifically people of Chinese heritage.


Dr. Yanping Chen is an educator, researcher, and U.S. citizen who has lived in this country for almost forty years. In 2010, the FBI investigated Dr. Chenin relation to her previous work with the Chinese astronaut program. Though the investigation was dropped in 2016 and no charges were ever even filed, her confidential information was leaked to a Fox News reporter, who used this information to run three stories insinuating that Dr. Chen was collecting information for the Chinese government. Dr. Chen sued the FBI over the unlawful leaking of her information. The reporter invoked the First Amendment and has refused to identify the leaker. The D.C. District court has ruled twice that the reporter must speak on her source's identity, but she has refused. She has appealed the court’s latest decision finding her in contempt.

Read the full amicus brief here: Chen v. FBI


For additional information, contact:

Stuart J. Sia
Communications Director
212.966.5932 x203