Press Releases

Press Release  

Asian American Election Protection 2007

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Press Release  

Asian Immigrant Nail Salon Workers Win Major Legal Victory

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Press Release  

Fifteen Immigrant Workers Join Lawsuit Against Devi Restaurant

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Press Release  

One Police Plaza Security Plan-Final Environmental Impact Statement: Security vs. Community Safety — Too Little Too Late

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Press Release  

AALDEF, CUNY IRRC, Beldock Levine, and ROC-NY Reach Equal Opportunity Agreement at Restaurant Daniel

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Press Release  

Amicus Brief Filed in Boston Voting Rights Case

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Press Release  

Korean Immigrant Valet Files Suit for Minimum Wage and Overtime in Federal Court Against Mall

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Press Release  

New AALDEF Office in Newark, NJ Opens Its Doors to Asian Americans with Employment and Immigration Questions

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Press Release  

Screening of New Year Baby at the 30th Asian American International Film Festival

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Press Release  

AALDEF Announces Opening Reception for Newark, NJ Office on July 12

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Press Release  

Legal Nuts and Bolts of Becoming a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit

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Press Release  

Supreme Court Decision Prompts School Districts to Finetune Race-Conscious Measures to Integrate Public Schools

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Press Release  

AALDEF to Release Findings of Asian American Voter Exit Poll Conducted during Decisive 2006 Midterm Elections at OCA 29th Annual Convention

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Press Release  

Media Briefing on Immigration Fraud to be Held Wed. June 27 by the Korean Community Law Project

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Press Release  

Residents and Workers with 9/11 Illnesses Travel to D.C. to Demand Accountability from Former EPA Administrator Christine Whitman

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Press Release  

AALDEF Releases 2006 Exit Poll Results for the Filipino American Vote

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Press Release  

South Asian Immigrant Construction Workers File Suit to Recover Unpaid Wages

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Press Release  

Coalition Introduces Groundbreaking Election Reform Legislation

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Press Release  

AALDEF Releases 2006 Exit Poll Results for the Virginia Asian American Vote

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Press Release  

AALDEF Releases 2006 Exit Poll Results for the Maryland Asian American Vote

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