
The Maryland Asian American Vote 2006

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Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund and Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center in cooperation with APIAVote Asian American LEAD Asian American Studies Prog. at the Univ. of Maryland Asian Americans/Pacific Is. in Philanthropy – Metro DC/Baltimore Chap. Asian Pac. Amer. Bar Assoc. of the Greater DC Area Asian/Pac. Is. Domestic Violence Resource Proj. Boat People SOS Inc. Chinese Cultural and Community Service Ctr. Conference on Asian Pacific Amer. Leadership Indian American Leadership Council Korean American Assoc. of the State of MD Korean American Automobile Association Korean Community Service Center of Greater Wash. League of Korean Americans of MD Maryland Vietnamese Mutual Assoc. Organization of Chinese Americans – Greater DC Chap. South Asian American Leaders of Tomorrow

Invite you to a special presentation on

The Maryland Asian American Vote 2006

In the November 2006 midterm elections over 250 Asian American voters in Silver Spring, Rockville, and Kensington were surveyed as part of AALDEFs national multilingual exit poll. The exit poll—the largest nonpartisan survey of its kind in the nation—was conducted in 23 cities in 9 states.

At this special presentation, comparative information will be given about Asian American voting patterns, attitudes on immigration reform, important issues for the 2008 Presidential elections, first-time voters, party enrollment, English proficiency and voting barriers.

Speakers: State Delegates Susan Lee & Saqib Ali Jayne Park, APALRC Glenn Magpantay, AALDEF Chung Pak, KAA Hoan Dang, MVMA Raj Kudchadkar, MCIE Kamala Edwards, IAC Lily Qi, OCA.

Thursday, May 31, 2007 6:30 to 8:00 PM Montgomery County Council Office Building Auditorium 100 Maryland Avenue Rockville, MD

RSVP: 800.966.5946 x200 or