
Labor’s Voices 3: Media for a New Workers’ Movement, April 26 – 28

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April 26-28, 2007

CUNY Graduate Center,

34th Street and Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Dear Friends,

Join journalists, authors, educators, and worker activists David Bacon, Tom Zaniello, Elizabeth Fones-Wolf, Lucas Benitez, Stanley Aronowitz, Steve Early, Raj Jayadev, Amanda Cooper, Janine Jackson, Jerry Colby, Rev. Nelson Johnson, Bhairavi Desai, Greg Tarpinian, Tom Robbins, Ana Avendaño and many other international and national media activists at the Labor’s Voices 3 Conference in New York City from April 26-28, 2007.

Labor’s Voices 3: Media for a New Workers’ Movement is an opportunity to explore media’s role in organizing and building a stronger and inclusive workers’ movement; connect disparate constituencies in unions, workers centers, independent media and universities; and develop a national labor media strategy.

In 2000 and 2002, Labor’s Voices conferences 1 and 2 challenged the labor movement to become more relevant to union members and unorganized workers by engaging them through a democratic media. Labor’s Voices 3 will build on this theme.


For more information or to register, email conference coordinator Heather Appel at or visit

Sponsored by (in formation): Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work (CUNY), New York Labor History Association, Metro New York Labor Communications Council, NYC LCLAA, NYU Wagner Labor Archives,ILCA, Press Associates, LaborTECH, Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Murphy Institute for Labor, Community & Policy Studies, SSEU Local 371 AFSCME, SEIU Local 32BJ, RWDSU, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, PSC/CUNY, Interfaith Worker Justice, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Mississippi Workers’ Center for Human Right, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, DataCenter, Judson Memorial Church, Domestic Workers United, Radio Bilingue, ENLACE, NELP, Free Speech TV, Workers Independent News, University of Minnesota Labor Education Service, Labor Arts, Chicago Press

With support from the New World Foundation and the Puffin Foundation