Screening of “Vincent Who?”
Vincent Who?– A documentary film by Asian Pacific Americans for Progress in association with Tony Lam Films
Thursday, September 24, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
One World Financial Center
38th Floor, Empire Room B
New York City
Followed by a special discussion with filmmaker Curtis Chin and Stanley Mark, Senior Staff Attorney, AALDEF.
Vincent Who?addresses the historic impact of the Vincent Chin murder case. In 1982, Vincent Chin was murdered in Detroit by two white autoworkers at the height of anti-Japanese sentiments. For the first time, Asian Americans around the country galvanized to form a real community and movement. This documentary, inspired by a series of town halls organized by Asian Pacific Americans for Progress on the 25th anniversary of the case, features interviews with the key players at the time, as well as a whole new generation of activists. Vincent Who? asks how far Asian Americans have come since then and how far we have yet to go.
Seating is limited; RSVP by September 18 to [](