
No Arena In the Heart of Our City 2024: March and Rally

Image for No Arena In the Heart of Our City 2024: March and Rally

AALDEF joins the Save Chinatown Coalition on Saturday, September 7, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET.

After two long years, the fight to Save Chinatown and stop 76 Place is reaching a fever pitch. The Sixers owners' timeline is running out, and it's up to us to stop the City Council from making a big mistake in Center City.

经过两年的漫长岁月,拯救唐人街和阻止 76 Place开发项目 的斗争已达到白热化。76 人队老板的时间不多了,我们必须阻止市议会在市中心犯下大错。

Come out for the No Arena march and rally on Saturday, September 7. We need you there.

9 月 7 日星期六,参加“反篮球馆”大游行和集会。我们需要你的参与。

This is a fight to Save Chinatown, the last working-class community of color in Center City. But it's also bigger than any one neighborhood.


  • Sports arenas have a long and ugly history of exploiting communities of color.
  • 篮球馆对有色人种群体的剥削有着悠久而丑陋的历史。
  • Arenas rely on low-wage, part-time, seasonal service workers—jobs that keep Black and brown folks stuck in a cycle of poverty.
  • 篮球馆依赖低工资、兼职、季节性的服务人员—这些工作使黑人和棕色人种陷入贫困循环。
  • The billionaires behind the 76 Place plan to not pay property taxes—so the city would be giving up up to $270M in tax revenue we need for our schools.
  • 76 Place 背后的亿万富翁计划不缴纳财产税,因此该市将放弃我们学校所需的高达 2.7 亿美元的税收收入。

The truth is, if one neighborhood can be steamrolled, anyone can. Every Philadelphian deserves a say in the decisions impacting us and our neighborhoods.


There has never been one arena that has transformed a city for the better, and their impact is clear: Developers prey on neighborhoods of color, while regular people suffer the negative impacts. Now Philly has a chance to take those lessons learned and do better.


Join us on September 7 to tell City Council No Arena, no exploitation in the heart of our city! This fight is winnable—but not without you.

9 月 7 日加入我们,告诉市议会,我们城市的中心拒绝篮球竞技馆,拒绝被剥削!这场斗争是可以打赢的——但没有你们就不能打赢。