
March 15 – Panel on “Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons: Empowering Women to Address Poverty”

On Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 6:15 pm, the New York Anti-Trafficking Initiative organizes a parallel event to discuss “Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons: Empowering Women to Address Poverty,” at the Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, Hardin Room (11th floor), located at East 44th Street and First Avenue. It is being held in conjunction with the 60th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which takes place at the United Nations from March 14 to 24.

AALDEF Anti-Trafficking Initiative attorney Song Kim moderates a panel discussion about the link between human trafficking, exploitative work conditions, and economic empowerment, with a special focus on trafficked people in the United States. RSVP: