
Oct. 4, 2016 – Racial profiling of Asian American scientists Joyce Xi

Joyce Xi, daughter of Temple University physics professor Xiaoxing Xi, will speak in New York City on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 about the targeting of Asian Americans in the name of national security and the wrongful economic espionage prosecutions of innocent Chinese American scientists, including her father. She is calling for a formal apology and urging the U.S. government to take action to prevent unjust racial profiling.

Date/Time: Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Place: Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65 Street, New York City

RSVP by Sept. more information, contact AALDEF at 212.966.5932.

Organized by Mapping of Asian American New York (MAANY) and Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)

Co-Sponsors (in formation):

Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY)

Asian American Studies Program, Hunter College

Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH)

Columbia University Asian American Alliance

NYU Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

Background materials:

Matt Apuzzo, “U.S. Drops Charges That Professor Shared Technology With China,” New York Times (Sept. 11, 2015)

Editorial Board, “The Rush to Find China’s Moles,” New York Times (Sept. 15, 2015)

Joyce Xi, “To get my father, Xiaoxing Xi, FBI twisted America’s ideals,” USA Today (Sept. 20, 2015)

Mara Hvistendahl, “Chinese-American scientists in the crosshairs,” Science, (Nov. 12, 2015)

Petition, Scientists Not Spies